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Arrival and Dismissal

The school day begins at 9:15 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m.

Car Riders

Car rider pick up and drop off takes place in the gym parking lot. Please review the diagram below.

Cars should enter the school parking lot via Houston Road and turn right to proceed toward the gym as shown in the diagram below. Drivers should follow the blue lines to pick up their student(s) and exit following the green lines as shown.


Walkers will be called for dismissal at 3:40 p.m.

Walkers to Richmond Circle, Park Place, Arbor Drive, Twin Oaks, etc. will exit out of the main entrance, travel down the front sidewalk, around the cafeteria and turn left to go into their neighborhoods.

McKnight Village walkers exit the front hallway door on the gym side, down the sidewalk and up the path to their neighborhood.